Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Tip of the Week

I use these cupcakes for birthday sessions, tea party sessions, and just for fun. They are pretty much indestructible so they will be around for awhile. And they were easy to make!

Step 1. Make Royal Icing
Step 2. Divide into several bowls and add food coloring to make different colors.
Step 3. Fill icing bags with decorative tips (or fill ziploc bags and cut off corners)
Step 4. Fill muffin pans with paper cupcake liners.
Step 5. Pipe icing into cupcake liners. Decorate the tops as desired. I used whole nutmeg as decorations for some to look like chocolate chips. Tip - don't use sprinkles! They don't age well.  ;)

Leave the cupcakes on the counter to dry for a day or two. Now, enjoy your cupcakes!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Win a Faux Floor Mat and Backdrop!

Barn Door Floors and Barn Door Backdrops have teamed up to offer the best in flooring and backdrops for the photography community! To celebrate this grand opening we will be giving away a free floor mat and backdrop. All you have to do is "like" the facebook pages!/pages/Barn-Door-Floors/183671704988172 and!/pages/Barn-Door-Backdrops/174649462577254 and post a comment why you like our product. For a second entry post a link to this blog post on your facebook page. Winner will be announced May 25th. Free floor mat and backdrop will only be shipped to continental US. Good luck!